​I had quite an active childhood spending my time at the stables with horses, progressing on to dogs and a cat when in my teens. By the time I was in my twenties my younger brother introduced me to fitness and nutrition on a hobby level, which I still practice today. When in my thirties I was working nights and had insomnia. I wanted a way to help and my housemate at the time was studying alternative therapies and suggested I see a Kinesiologist.
After only one session I was shown how to reset my body clock. With some additional nutritional help, I went home and slept with no problems.
Life had its ups and downs but my body always stayed strong. However, in 2018 I noticed at the gym I was struggling to hold my warm-up weight in my arms, and pain was presenting. My old housemate from New Zealand reminded me to go and seek the help of a Kinesiologist. It turned out that my ileocaecal valve was imbalanced. I came home and was back in the gym a few days later with no pain.
I started to research training as a kinesiologist but could not find a course to fit around my current life, I used the time to study Reiki instead. Then on an occasion in 2019, I took my son to the kinesiologist. I spotted a poster on the wall advertising TASK foundation training in systematic kinesiology and I signed up. I continued to become a practitioner and then diploma level with the Kinesiology Association and started what you now see today as Kinesiology Labyrinth.
Melanie Crawford Dip KA
Founder of Kinesiology Labrinth International