Are you losing focus, making mental mistakes? Stress affects the firing of neurons which can adversely affect your judgement and decision making during sports play.
The body and mind talk during movement. A strong grounded mind will send a solid confident message to the body enhancing performance.
Sports mind kinesiology works by working with the sub consciousness mind and goal setting, point of focus, visualization and any mind conflict like past, present stress or trauma. We will also look at fears and phobia, such as the fear of failure and success, both can affect game play.
It is possible for Sports mind Kinesiology to help with recurring injuries, tight muscles and pain. Sometimes issues that don't seem to go are actually coming from the mind sabotaging what you want to achieve, which can cause Nutritional depletion and a feeling of burning out, which in turn weakens the body and injuries occur.
Lets train and improve your mental game. Get you performing at competitions with the same feeling as when you train. Reduce errors and mental mistakes, creating more enjoyable performances.